Decreasing Your Body Size
Your weight dramatically impacts your overall state of health and your susceptibility to disease. RICH Nutrition for Life can help you create tailored personalized nutrition plans that promote effective weight loss without leaving you hungry or uncomfortable.
Where you carry excess weight plays a large role in how it impacts your health. An individual where the subcutaneous fat accumulates in the lower body is considered pear shaped. An individual where a large visceral amount of fat accumulates in the abdominal area is considered apple shaped.
Abdominal fat or visceral fat plays a large role in health problems. The subcutaneous / abdominal fat can be gripped with your hand. Visceral fat is found in the spaces around your abdominal organs. A small amount of visceral fat will pad your organs but when the amount of fat in this area is excessive, it causes health issues such as an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, linked to higher total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, lower HDL (good) cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.
Individuals who live their lives overweight or obese are known to significantly reduce the length of their life. Several health issues caused by excessive weight can be reversed once a healthy weight is obtained.
Both exercise and your diet will play a major role in obtaining a healthy weight. RICH Nutrition for Life helps you create an individualized nutrition plan allowing you to move toward a healthy weight. You’ll learn how all foods fit; foods which keep you full; foods which will fill you up but don’t lead to weight gain; and foods which are nutrient dense benefiting your body.
If you need guidance and assistance on your weight loss journey, RICH Nutrition for Life is here to help. You will obtain steps to reach your goals while acquiring knowledge that can impact your life for years to come.
Your weight dramatically impacts your overall state of health and your susceptibility to disease. RICH Nutrition For Life can help you create tailored personalized nutrition plans that promote effective and healthy weight gain.
You have had a serious illness or lengthy hospitalization
You are below your healthy weight and want to feel better
You are an athlete who wants to build strength and muscle to perform better
You are older and have unintentionally lost weight
Gaining weight can lead to overall better health and functionality for individuals who need to gain weight. Here are some tips on gaining muscle or bone mass in a smart and healthful way:
Just as there are products marketed for quick weight loss, there also are products marketed for "miraculous" weight gain. The smartest advice is the same in either case: If it sounds too good to be true, it may not work. Skip expensive supplements and save your money for delicious nutrient-rich foods. Remember, the best way to gain weight is through a balanced diet and regular exercise. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise regimen.
The key to healthy weight gain is to choose nutrient-rich foods as often as possible. Consuming more empty-calorie foods such as soft drinks, candy and chips is not a successful way to build muscle, strengthen bones or repair tissue after surgery. For smart weight gain, you need the nutrient power of all the food groups.
RICH Nutrition For Life protects the public from being harmed by utilizing qualified & competent
nutrition practitioners providing Medical Nutrition Therapy.
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